Professional Development

Professional Development Purpose

The purpose of professional development is to support the mission of the college by helping employees enhance their job skills, obtain job-related knowledge and information, increase productivity and efficiency, and/or prepare for higher-level positions. In the case of faculty members, it also provides an opportunity for classroom skill enhancement and increased knowledge in their specific academic discipline.

Professional Development Hour Requirement

There will be a minimum number of five required hours for full-time and reduced-hours full-time faculty and staff. Professional development hours will be based on what the supervisor and employee agree is a reasonable amount of time required to develop identified needs of the individual.

Available Training

Please note: A travel authorization must be submitted and approved before attending any external events.

Upcoming Training

On-Demand Training

Available Resources

Professional Development Blackboard

We are dedicated to providing a variety of resources for our faculty and staff to continue their development. In the Employee Onboarding and Development organization within Blackboard, you will find recorded workshops, PowerPoint presentations, and much more to enhance your professional development and lifelong learning.

To access the Employee Onboarding and Development organization in Blackboard, login to Blackboard. Next, select Professional Development under the "My Organizations". Once in the course, select “Recorded PD Sessions” in the course menu. Sessions are organized by semester.

Need access? Contact Distance Education at (919) 718-7529 or

Blackboard Level I
4 professional development hours
This training is designed to give you an introduction to the basic components of Blackboard, 在线电子游戏网赌's online course management system. This training will provide you with step-by-step tutorials and exercises to prepare you for creating a supplement course to use as a resource for your seated classes.
Blackboard Level II
6 professional development hours
This training is designed to acquaint you with the fundamentals of using Blackboard, 在线电子游戏网赌's online course management system. This training expands on the knowledge already gained in Blackboard Level I training. This training provides you with step-by-step tutorials and exercises to prepare you for developing and teaching your first online course and becoming Blackboard Proficient.
Library Higher Ed Resources

Your 在线电子游戏网赌 Library offers access to a world of resources to support your professional development! Find books about teaching and learning, leadership, academia, and more, or search for new research in your field using our databases. Go to: Faculty & Staff Professional Development

McLaughlin Young Group

Take advantage of our valuable on-demand Skill Builder trainings through our EAP provider. Select the Work-Life login and then under Centers on the right, scroll down and click Skill Builder. See the attached document for more information and topics.

Request Specific Training
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